TraderMade’s mission is to enable everyone to succeed in the financial markets, with this in mind we have been working with many fintech start-ups that require a trusted and quality source of data from a reputable market-leader. Traditionally as a business, we have always been a provider of Data, Charting and Research products and services to all of the main global Banks. Even through market peaks and recessions we kept our long-established business relationships throughout some particularly tough economic times and are still proud to supply these Institutional household names with our quality and trusted value-adding solutions.
But in recent years, we have been working with many fintech start-ups, many of these innovative and entrepreneurial business leaders have used TraderMade in their previous life within the Banking sector, now we are more well-known within the start-up community.
Here are a few reasons why fintech start-ups are using TraderMade;
Start-ups Not Treated Seriously In more recent times, more fintech and data-hungry companies have come to us, particularly for our exchange rate API products and services. Fintech companies tell us that they are restricted in how they can use data from other providers which does not meet their requirements; therefore they are frustrated and feel that companies do not value their business and really are not treated seriously.
Circumstances Can Change These fintech companies also tell us that as start-ups work in a more fluid environment than traditional businesses, thus their requirements of usage, coverage and delivery technology can change quickly which data providers seem to struggle to cope with. This rigid attitude is something that we are very aware of. All employees ensure that everything can to exceed the client’s expectations regarding coverage and make project integrations a smooth and painless process. Bespoke solutions can also be created upon request.
Huge Historical & Coverage Database Business models have also changed due to the coverage we directly carry, we have one of the largest historical databases of Forex data in existence and clients find huge value in our rare unique datasets. Common in the FX industry is Daily data back to the year 2000, our Forex API offering allows for minute Open, High, Low & Close prices to be interrogated back to the inception of the company in 1984.
Trusted Data & Delivery Since 1984 we have only collected data from leading banks and institutions, this data has been trapped within TraderMade infrastructure and is used across all products and services. We also use AWS as our cloud hosting provider and powers our data centre, this means that the ability to scale projects quickly can be enabled within minutes. Historical Tick data for use within app development and back-testing can be pulled via Amazon S3. Our data is used by clients within the Artificial Intelligence industry which builds Machine Learning algorithms also. Alongside our Forex exchange rate API, we also cover Precious Metals, CFD’s and Cryptocurrencies for both live and historical purposes.
Buy-In to Our Ethos and Culture We now appear on more data aggregators specifically with new upcoming companies in mind, we want to enable all market participants to either build brilliant Forex data products or use the data to back-test and trade successful trading strategies using the Forex API. With the move towards more mobile responsive technology, our solutions allow real-time data to be streamed and displayed on all devices for any project and particularly within the Blockchain sector of the market. We are flexible with terms and for larger projects, can tier pricing models — we do everything we can to enable our customers to succeed.
Experience, Know-how & Customer Support Alongside all of the above, you’ll get access to our team’s wealth of experience and know-how. With countless projects and integrations under our belt, fintech start-ups can be assured that any new venture that needs a helping hand is here, ready and waiting. Our customer support team, although slightly biased, are excellent and put our customer’s needs at the top of their list every day.
For more information, email at or live chat with one of the team on the TraderMade website. You can even start to trial data and API immediately at our Market Data website, both live streaming data via WebSocket and is available, plus live and historical data is available via the REST API. Tutorials on our data products and services are also found here.