Currency Converter

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USD - United States

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₹ 84.035

1 USD = 84.035 INR


€ 0.9242

1 USD = 0.9242 EUR


£ 0.7704

1 USD = 0.7704 GBP


$ 1.3830

1 USD = 1.3830 CAD

We use the interbank mid-market rate for our currency calculator. This is for informational purposes only. You won’t receive these currency conversion rates when buying and selling deliverable currencies.

Why Use Our Conversion Rates?

Reliable & Accurate

Our FX data is reliable and provides an unbiased view of the international currency market. We are known for low-latency, accurate Forex data

Trusted Data Partner

We acquire foreign currency rates from multiple reputed sources, curate it, and provide it in real-time. We specialize in delivering quality market data without skew.


Our online converter is programmed using our currency converter API. It provides sub-second exchange rates for that saves you time and resources.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the a Live Currency Converter?

It allows you to instantly convert one currency rate into multiple currency rates based on real-time exchange rates.

2. How to get the currency rates that powers our app?

The exchange rates are available via our API, its free to sign up!

3. Can I Exchange Currencies at These Rates?

No, these are interbank rates that financial institutions use to trade foreign currency. The retail financial institutions and banks that offer currency exchange to customers may exchange currencies at different rates, adding their spread. Our non-skewed rates reflect the most liquid rates available to financial institutions and traders.

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